Australian High Commission

Australia Awards Pacific Scholarship 2026

2026 Applications

Applications for the 2026 intake will open 1 February 2025 AEST.

Applications for the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarship will open for the 2026 Intake round on 1 February 2025 and close at 11:59PM Tuesday 29 April 2025 Niue local time. To avoid disappointment, please lodge your application well in advance of the closing date.

Online applications can be made here.

Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships (AAPS)

Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships provide citizens of Niue with the opportunity to study at a tertiary institution in the region. Awards will be offered up to a bachelor’s degree or diploma level at the University of the South Pacific (USP) or the Fiji National University (FNU).

Priority Fields of Study

The Priority Fields of Study available for the AAPS are limited to the undergraduate and diploma level, and include:

Education (including but not limited to): educational assessment; linguistics or multilingual studies; education training and development (early childhood, primary, secondary, non-formal, and special and inclusive education); and vernacular studies.

Governance (including but not limited to): justice; law; policing; public administration; and social and community work.

Sustainable economic development (including but not limited to): agriculture; computer science; engineering (civil, electrical, environmental, geospatial; marine, mechanical, physics, public health; renewable energy); economics; financial management and administration; hospitality services and management; information and technology systems; health and medical (nursing, nursing practitioners, pharmacy, physiotherapy, public health); skilled trades (carpentry, construction, electrical); transport systems and management; and water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships Benefits

Australia Awards scholarships are offered for the minimum period necessary for the individual to complete the academic program specified by the regional education institution, including any preparatory training. Scholarship recipients will receive the following:

  • return air travel;
  • a one-off establishment allowance;
  • full tuition fees;
  • contribution to living expenses;
  • introductory academic program;
  • basic student health coverage for the duration of the scholarship; and
  • supplementary academic support.

AAPS Eligibility Criteria

Australia Awards Pacific Scholarship applicants must meet all eligibility requirements detailed in the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships Policy Handbook (link below)

In addition to meeting the general eligibility criteria, applicants must also meet the following AAPS-specific eligibility requirements:

  • meet the minimum qualifications as set out by the institution and the specific program area, which for some fields of study requires the student to achieve at least NCEA Level 3 with 10 approved literacy credits at Level 2 or above (minimum 5 credits in reading and 5 credits in writing) and 10 approved numeracy credits at Level 1 or above;
  • apply for one of the Priority Areas of Study outlined above;
  • must not hold an equivalent TVET qualification;
  • must not have accepted or currently possess a scholarship from another government; and
  • must have completed studies at Niue High School in the last five years.

AAPS Application Process

For students applying to study at:

  • The University of the South Pacific (USP); or
  • The Fiji National University’s (FNU) College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (excluding Nursing).

You must apply online using the Online Australia Awards Scholarships Information System (OASIS) at: and must also include a completed scanned hard copy of the institution application form.

Students applying to study at the following FNU colleges must submit a hardcopy application along with a completed FNU application form. Hardcopy application forms are available at: Fiji National University

  • College of Engineering, Science and Technology;
  • College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences; or
  • College of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Supporting documents Applicants must submit all of the relevant supporting documents as listed below and outlined in the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships Policy Handbook.

AAPS Document Checklist

  • Proof of citizenship (certified copy of passport or birth certificate)
  • Completed Australian Awards Pacific Scholarship application form with a recent photograph
  • Completed Australian Awards Pacific Scholarship institution (USP or FNU) application form
  • A copy of the NCEA Level 2 official transcript
  • A copy of the NCEA Level 3 official transcript, if available and applicable at the time of application

AAPS Selection Process

Applications and/or supporting documents received after the closing date will not be considered.

  • Applications will be shortlisted after eligibility checking
  • All candidates will be advised whether they have been shortlisted
  • The selection process includes an interview. Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
    • potential outcome, specifically the contribution to development outcomes in Niue;
    • personal leadership attributes;
    • writing skills; and
    • oral presentation.

Successful candidates will be notified by September 2024.

Preparatory Training

Successful AAPS applicants will be required to attend a pre-departure briefing provided in their host country. In addition, they may be required to complete an Introductory Academic Program offered by the host institution before commencing their academic program.

Further information

Information about Australia Awards Pacific Scholarship (AAPS) and the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships Handbook can be found:

australia-awards-pacific-scholarships-handbook.pdf (

Information about available programs of study at USP for the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarship can be found at:


For any further information about the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships or the application process please contact the Australian High Commission, by email [email protected]. You are also very welcome to come into the High Commission but it’s best to make an appointment in advance.